Activate MFA before Hackers do it on your Account

What is MFA ?
Multi-factor authentication (MFA) is a method for login verification where two or more factors of proof are required.
MFA is sometimes referred as 2FA, here only two factors of authentication is required.
Types of MFA

1. Something you know :
Password , Pin or Code etc.
2. Somthing you have :
Physical device such as Smart phones (SMS, App, NFC), Smart cards, USB Drive , Token (produces time based key)
3. Somthing you are :
Biometrics such as Fingerprints, Palm Scanning, Facial Recognition, Retina Scans, Iris Scans, and Voice Verification.
Why is it dangerous when MFA is not activated wherever available ?
Most of the popular websites now offer MFA, which safeguards the account in case of password breach or theft but users who don’t opt for it may have a hard time to recover their account as it is most likely the hacker will activate MFA and tie the account to their own device and exploit this security feature.
